16. Oh My News International (english.ohmynews.com/index.asp [September 2008]).
17. Moon Ihlwan, “In Korea, NHN Makes Google a Midget,” Business Week Online, September 9, 2008 (www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/sep2008/gb2008095_505433.htm [September 2008]).
18. Asa Dotzler, “180 Million Firefox Users: Great Birthday Present,” June 5, 2008 (weblogs.mozillazine.org/asa/archives/2008/06/180million_fir.html [October 15, 2008]).
19. Beth S. Noveck, “Peer-to-Patent: A Modest Proposal,” July 14, 2005 (cairns.typepad.com/blog/2005/07/index.html [July 2005]).
20. Daniel Terdiman, “Web Could Unclog Patent Backlog,” July 14, 2005 (www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2005/07/68186 [October 2008]).
21. 2007 IBM Annual Report (www.ibm.com/annualreport/2007 [March 2008]).
22. James Bessen and Michael J. Meurer, Patent Failure (Princeton University Press, 2008), p. 22.
23. Linda S. Sanford, Let Go to Grow (New York: Prentice-Hall Professional Technical Reference, 2006), p. 4. Сэнфорд подсчитала, что лишь 16 % из 1008 крупных компаний смогли выжить за 36 лет – с 1962 по 1998 г.
24. USPTO Official Gazette Notice, “Pilot Concerning Public Submission of Peer Reviewed Prior Art,” June 26, 2007 (www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/ dapp/opla/preognotice/peerreviewpilot.pdf [October 2008]).
25. Nicholas Varchaver, “Patent Review Goes Wiki,” Fortune, August 16, 2006, p. 18; Alan Sipress, “Open Call from the Patent Office,” Washington Post, March 5, 2007, p. A1.
26. Peer-to-Patent website (www.peertopatent.org).
27. “Peer-to-Patent First Anniversary Report” (June 2008) (dotank.nyls.edu/communitypatent/P2Panniversaryreport.pdf [September 2008]), p. 6.
28. Carl J. Schramm and Robert E. Litan, “The Growth Solution,” American (July/August 2008): 3.
29. Jonathan Schwartz, “ZFS Puts Net App Viability at Risk?”. October 24, 2007 (blogs.sun.com/jonathan/entry/harvesting_from_a_troll [October 2008]).
30. Barack Obama, “Science, Technology, and Innovation for a New Generation,” November 14, 2007 (www.brackobama.com/pdf/issues/technology/fact_sheet_innovation_and_technology.pdf [October 2008]).
31. U. S. Chamber of Commerce, “Recommendations for Consideration by the Incoming Administration” (Washington: 2008), p. 7.
32. Jay Rosen, “The Future of Professionally Created Content,” Legal Futures Conference, Stanford University, March 8, 2008.
33. “Evolution of Security” (www.tsa.gov/blog [September 2008]).
34. Eric Schmidt, “Technology, Economic Growth, and Open Government,” New America Foundation, November 18, 2008 (www.newamerica.net/events/2008/eric_schmidt).
35. Thomas A. Kalil, “Leveraging Cyberspace,” IEEE Communications Magazine, July 1996, pp. 82–86.
36. Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams, Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (New York: Portfolio, 2006).
37. IBM, “Majority of Global CEOs Plan Fundamental Change and Expect New Forms of Innovation to Drive Growth, According to IBM Study,” news release, March 1, 2006 (www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/19289.wss [October 2008]).
38. IBM Social Computing, “World Jam” (www.research.ibm.com/Social-Computing/WorldJam.htm [September 2008]); IBM, “IBM Invests $100 Millionin Collaborative Innovation Ideas,” news release, November 14, 2006 (www.03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/20605.wss [October 2008]).
39. Karim R. Lakhani and Jill A. Panetta, “The Principles of Distributed Innovation,” Innovations 2 (2007): 97–112.
40. Jeff Howe, “The Rise of Crowdsourcing,” Wired 14.06, June 2006 (www.wired.com/wired/archive/14.06/crowds.html [December 2008]), pp. 1–4; Jeff Howe, Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd Is Driving the Future of Business (New York: Crown Business, 2008), pp. 63–70.
41. Tapscott and Williams, Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything.
Глава 2
1. Max Weber, Essays in Sociology, edited by H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills (Oxford: Routledge, 1991), p. 216.
2. J. B. Ruhl and James Salzman, “In Defense of Regulatory Peer Review,” Washington University Law Review 84 (2006): 1–61.
3. Philip E. Tetlock, Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? How Can We Know? (Princeton University Press, 2005), p. 20.
4. Ibid., p. 15.
5. Scott E. Page, The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies (Princeton University Press, 2007).
6. Joaquin Sapien, “Industry-Packed Federal Advisory Board Told DOE to Double U. S. Coal Consumption,” May 19, 2008 (www.propublica.org/article [October 2008]).
7. Sonya Lunder and Jane Houlihan, “EPA Axes Panel Chair at Request of Chemical Industry Lobbyists,” March 2008 (www.ewg.org/reports/decaconflict [October 2008]).
8. Union of Concerned Scientists, “Restoring Scientific Integrity in Policymaking: Scientists Sign-On Statement” (www.ucsusa.org/scientific_integrity/abuses_of_science.html [October 2008]).
9. Union of Concerned Scientists, “Interference at EPA: Science and Politics at the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency,” April 23, 2008 (www.ucsusa.org/EPAscience [October 2008]).
10. Chris Mooney, The Republican War on Science (New York: Basic Books, 2005).
11. Government in the Sunshine Act, P. L. 409, 94th Cong. (September 13, 1976).
12. John Ashcroft, Memorandum for All Heads of Departments and Agencies, “The Freedom of Information Act,” October 12, 2001.
13. Sunshine Week, “More People See Federal Government as Secretive; Nearly All Want to Know Where Candidates Stand on Transparency,” March 15, 2008 (www.sunshineweek.org/sunshineweek/secrecypoll08 [October 2008]); Gup, Nation of Secrets: The Threat to Democracy and the American Way of Life (New York: Doubleday, 2007).
14. Amanda Terkel, “Bush Administration Hides More Data, Shuts Down Website Tracking U. S. Economic Indicators,” February 13, 2008 (www.thinkprogress.org/2008/02/13/economic-indicators [October 2008]).
15. Paul Kiel, “Bush Admin: What You Don’t Know Can’t Hurt Us, 2007 Version” November 23, 2007 (www.tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/004766.php [October 2008]).
16. Ibid.
17. American Inventors Protection Act, P. L. 113, 106th Cong. (November 29, 1999).
18. U. S. Patent and Trademark Office, Manual of Patent Examining Procedures, sec. 904.02 (c) (8th ed., 2001) («Эта политика также распространяется на использование Интернета в качестве средства связи для подключения к коммерческой базе данных провайдера») U. S. Patent and Trademark Office, “Patent Internet Usage Policy,” 64 Federal Register (June 21, 1999), p. 33060.
19. Carrotmob (www.carrotmob.org [October 2008]).
20. Obama Works (www.whyobamaworks.org [October 2008]).
21. Tech for Obama (www.techforobama.com [October 2008]).
22. Silicon Valley for Obama (www.sv4obama.com [October 2008]).
23. WashingtonWatch (www.washingtonwatch.com [October 2008]).
24. OpenSecrets (www.opensecrets.org [September 2008]); Fundrace (http://fundrace.huffingtonpost.com [October 2008]).
25. PublicMarkup (www.publicmarkup.org [October 2008]); см. также: Ellen Miller, “You Can Markup the Bills on the Mortgage Industry Bail Out,” September 22, 2008 (blog.sunlightfoundation.com/2008/09/22 [October 2008]).
26. MapLight (www.maplight.org [October 2008]).
27. Connecticut Policy and Economic Council (www.city-scan.org [October 2008]).
28. Frank Richard Cowell, The Athenaeum: Club and Social Life in London, 1824–1974 (London: Heinemann, 1975).
29. Stephen M. Kosslyn, “On the Evolution of Human Motivation: The Role of Social Prosthetic Systems,” in Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience, edited by S. M. Platek, T. K. Shackelford, and J. P. Keenan (MIT Press, 2006); A. W. Wooley and others, “Using Brain-Based Measures to Compose Teams: How Individual Capabilities and Team Collaboration Strategies Jointly Shape Performance,” Social Neuroscience 2 (2007): 96–105.
30. Edward Day Collins, “Committees of Correspondence of the American Revolution,” Annual Report of the American Historical Association (1901): 245–271.
31. Harvey Anderson, “Intellectual Property and Free Expression,” лекция, Stanford University, May 27, 2008 (примечания в тексте сделаны автором).
32. Mitchell Baker, Mozilla Foundation chairman of the board, “Summer 2008 Goals,” May 14, 2008 (blog.lizardwrangler.com/2008/05/14 [October 2008]).
33. “Energy Bill Bans Incandescent Lightbulbs.” Более полную информацию о ртутьсодержащих лампах см. на сайте EPA 16. Ibid.
17. American Inventors Protection Act, P. L. 113, 106th Cong. (November 29, 1999).
18. U. S. Patent and Trademark Office, Manual of Patent Examining Procedures, sec. 904.02 (c) (8th ed., 2001) («Эта политика также распространяется на использование Интернета в качестве средства связи для подключения к коммерческой базе данных провайдера») U. S. Patent and Trademark Office, “Patent Internet Usage Policy,” 64 Federal Register (June 21, 1999), p. 33060.
19. Carrotmob (www.carrotmob.org [October 2008]).
20. Obama Works (www.whyobamaworks.org [October 2008]).
21. Tech for Obama (www.techforobama.com [October 2008]).
22. Silicon Valley for Obama (www.sv4obama.com [October 2008]).
23. WashingtonWatch (www.washingtonwatch.com [October 2008]).
24. OpenSecrets (www.opensecrets.org [September 2008]); Fundrace (http://fundrace.huffingtonpost.com [October 2008]).
25. PublicMarkup (www.publicmarkup.org [October 2008]); см. также: Ellen Miller, “You Can Markup the Bills on the Mortgage Industry Bail Out,” September 22, 2008 (blog.sunlightfoundation.com/2008/09/22 [October 2008]).
26. MapLight (www.maplight.org [October 2008]).
27. Connecticut Policy and Economic Council (www.city-scan.org [October 2008]).
28. Frank Richard Cowell, The Athenaeum: Club and Social Life in London, 1824–1974 (London: Heinemann, 1975).
29. Stephen M. Kosslyn, “On the Evolution of Human Motivation: The Role of Social Prosthetic Systems,” in Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience, edited by S. M. Platek, T. K. Shackelford, and J. P. Keenan (MIT Press, 2006); A. W. Wooley and others, “Using Brain-Based Measures to Compose Teams: How Individual Capabilities and Team Collaboration Strategies Jointly Shape Performance,” Social Neuroscience 2 (2007): 96–105.
30. Edward Day Collins, “Committees of Correspondence of the American Revolution,” Annual Report of the American Historical Association (1901): 245–271.
31. Harvey Anderson, “Intellectual Property and Free Expression,” лекция, Stanford University, May 27, 2008 (примечания в тексте сделаны автором).
32. Mitchell Baker, Mozilla Foundation chairman of the board, “Summer 2008 Goals,” May 14, 2008 (blog.lizardwrangler.com/2008/05/14 [October 2008]).
33. “Energy Bill Bans Incandescent Lightbulbs.” Более полную информацию о ртутьсодержащих лампах см. на сайте EPA
46. Diana C. Mutz, Hearing the Other Side: Deliberative versus Participatory Democracy (Cambridge University Press, 2006).
47. Cass Sunstein, Why Societies Need Dissent (Harvard University Press, 2003), p. 118.
48. Ann Macintosh and Stephen Coleman, “Promise and Problems of EDemocracy: Challenges of Online Citizen Engagement” (Paris: OECD, 2003).
49. Peter M. Shane, ed., Democracy Online: The Prospects for Political Renewal through the Internet (New York: Routledge, 2004).
50. Karen Czapanskiy and Rashida Manjoo, “The Right of Public Participation in the Law-Making Process and the Role of the Legislature in the Promotion of This Right,” University of Maryland School of Law Legal Studies 42 (2008): 31.
51. Alexander Meiklejohn, Political Freedom: The Constitutional Powers of the People (New York: Harper, 1960).
52. Edward Wyatt with Charles V. Bagli, “Visions of Ground Zero: The Public; Officials Rethink Building Proposal for Ground Zero,” New York Times, July 21, 2002, p. A1.
53. См., например: Howard Zinn, A Power Governments Cannot Suppress (San Francisco: City Lights, 2007).
54. Michael Sorkin, Starting from Zero: Reconstructing Downtown New York (New York: Routledge, 2003), pp. 57–61.
55. Michael Schudson, The Good Citizen: A History of American Civil Life (New York: Free Press, 1998).
56. Есть ряд предложений в теории гражданского общества: Benjamin R. Barber, Strong Democracy (Princeton University Press, 1984); Richard E. Sclove, Democracy and Technology (New York: Guilford, 1996); Theda Skocpol and Morris P. Fiorina, eds., Civic Engagement in American Democracy (Brookings, 1999).
57. Jack M. Balkin, “Digital Speech and Democratic Culture: A Theory of Freedom of Expression for the Information Society,” New York University Law Review 79 (2004): 1–58.
58. Идеальный тип группы включает «представителей всех слоев нашего общества; только в этом случае при надлежащем финансировании она будет действовать беспристрастно, мудро, организованно и четко». Donald Guimary, Citizens Groups and Broadcasting (New York: Praeger, 1975), p. 148.
59. Andy Oram, “In Search of Microelites: How to Get User-Generated Content,” November 14, 2007 (radar.oreilly.com/2007/11/in-search-ofmicroelites-how-t.html [October 2008]).
60. Joseph Nye, “Picking a President,” Democracy Journal (Fall 2008): 19–28.
61. Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, 464 U. S. 417 (1984).
62. Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008 (ProIP Act) S. 3325. Nate Anderson, “Big Content Gloats as Bush Signs Pro-IP Act,” ArsTechnica, October 14, 2008 (http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20081014-bush-signs-pro-ip-act-big-content-gloats.html [December 2008]); John Borland, “RIAA Settles with 12-Year-Old Girl,” September 9, 2003 (http://news.cnet.com/2100-1027-5073717.html [October 2008]); Eric Bangeman, “RIAA versus Grandma, Part II: The Showdown That Wasn’t,” December 16, 2007 (arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20071216.html [October 2008]). См. также: MGM Studios Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd., 545 U. S. 913 (2005) (peer-to-peer filesharing case) (arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20081014.html [October 2008]).
Глава 3
1. U. S. Patent and Trademark Office, “Patent Organization” (www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/index.html [October 2008]).
2. В TC-2100 скопилось 87 301 заявка, ожидающая начала экспертизы, а всего в Бюро патентов 151 698 патентных заявок. В 2008 г. TC 2100 слилось с другим подразделением и стало называться TC 2400. Джек Харви остался руководителем.
3. Patent Act of 1952, as amended. 35 U. S. C. 101 et seq.
4. “Confidential status of applications; publication of patent applications,” 35 U. S. C. 122 (November 29, 2000).