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Читать: The mystery of noise in the attic - Матильда Лаваль на бесплатной онлайн библиотеке Э-Лит

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Матильда Лаваль

The mystery of noise in the attic

Chapter 1

And now I finally arrived at the dacha. I haven't been here all year and I'll be here all summer. However, my thoughts were interrupted by my mother's voice.

– Anya, help me get my things out of the car!

– Okay, but after unloading, I'm going for a walk.

"Very well, my daughter.

"Just one –" I warned.

"Oh," sighed Mrs. green.

So decomposed, I left. After walking for two hours, I came to my dacha and saw several police cars.

I asked: what happened here?! I was told it was none of your business.

–It's not my place if I live here." I said indignantly.

–Do you live here?" one of the policemen asked.

"Yes, I live here.

– Well, then you are lucky, there is a complete "accident".

– er … in what sense-really horror I thought.

–In the literal.

– Gaikin, you better tell her what happened here – and then I recognized our local precinct officer Pyotr Vasilyevich.

"Well," says Lieutenant Gaikin, " according to Mrs. green's story, she heard a noise in the attic and went there to look. When she opened the hatch, a poacher knocked her down and ran away.

"Um, what now?"-I don't understand how a poacher could end up in our attic.

–I don't know about that ,but maybe something will show up. He saw the major's gesture and left.

– Mom, what should we do?

– I Don't know, eh, well, who could it be, maybe a psychotic poacher.

–It is possible or not.

"Mom, can I go to the attic?" -and the thought began to spin in my head, but you can start your own investigation.

"Okay, just go, an, please be careful.

"Okay," I said.

Armed with a camera, I slowly went to the attic, trying not to make any noise, so as not to frighten the one who was in the attic.

As soon as I opened the hatch, a poacher jumped out at me, and I managed to take a picture of him. Since my father was outside, I shouted to him to close the door, because the poacher will not get out of the locked house. I took a bunch of photos of him and I saw through the window as the police cars were rushing along the road, apparently they were called by my dad. I thought it was over. But he grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and shouted, not more like yelling,

" open Up or I'll kill the girl!"!!

In the end, he ran away, because my ancestors had no choice. And to stop all this, security was installed in the attic. Since I had nothing to do, I decided to search the attic.

Chapter 2

I searched every inch of the attic and found nothing. I retired to my room and began to think. If the poacher returns, then there is someone in the attic-this is first, second, when he is not there, someone makes a noise, and third, we need to find out, but how? Although you can install a hidden camera. But the question is how to do it unnoticed? Although I can walk where I want and this is a plus, I only have to install three cameras for a full view, and even those that shoot well in the dark, but this is not a problem, I was given four cameras for my birthday. That's good, I'll take them and go install them.

Chapter 3

Dam, well, they set up security here. You can't install cameras that easily. So … two in the corners, and one on top. It's good that all the guards are at the Windows.

Chapter 4.

After installing the cameras, I decided to search the attic again. The result remains the same. I went back to my room, not to bother the guards. On reflection, I realized that since the poacher visits the attic, he hid something in the first place, and secondly, I need to find it at all costs. Having made this decision, I went up to the attic and waited for the noise. Three hours later, the police post ended and I was left alone.

Chapter 5.

I don't know how much time passed, but suddenly I heard a noise. It came from the corner. I went to the corner and realized that the noise was coming from the wall. I tried to figure out what was behind the wall. And understood, the cache! You just need to open it, usually using the button. Try. When the poacher was next to me, he was taller than me but five heads. Like here. No, not here. I'll try it when he's squatting, about here. Before I could even try to find the button,I heard a siren. Although I'm curious about who's here, I'll deal with the stash first. I pressed a button and a small square of wall slid sideways. In the recess of the hiding place there was some kind of cage from which the noise came. But suddenly my parents and Pyotr Vasilyevich ran into the attic.

"She closed the case without us!" – exclaimed our district police officer.

"Er … but I just found the stash."

–Not just a stash, but a poacher's stash.– said my ancestors who were in the know.– so see what's in the cache.

When I pulled the cage out of its hiding place, everyone gasped, and there was a small gray-white ball of fur in it. I dreamed so much about my own animal, then I had hope.

"Can I–" I didn't finish.

"Yes," my mother said.

"Hooray," I yelled, and the Windows rattled.

I pulled out a lump and saw that it was a rat and named it Matilda. So my dream came true and the first investigation in my life ended.

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