Валентина Басан
Adventures of Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten. Happy birthday, Teo!
Cat Michael and Kitten Aleksandra have been waiting for Sunday all week to go to visit their relatives, their aunt Cat Yana, uncle Cat Ziya and cousin Cat Teoman. The family of relatives invited them to the anniversary, the birthday of their son, the little Cat Teoman. His birthday should be celebrated next Sunday, because he turned one year old this Sunday. There were only a few days before this event. Previously, Mama Cat called her sister Cat Yana every month and congratulated her with Theo's birth. Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten asked why Teo and his family receive congratulations every month. Mother Cat explained that up to one year old, the baby can be congratulated every month, he is teething, he begins to sit, crawl, walk, in general, makes great efforts to his growth and development.
– You were also congratulated every month when you were just born, and Aunt Yana always sent you cards, gifts and congratulations, – the mother Cat told her kittens.
All week, from Monday to Friday, they got up at seven in the morning, brushed their teeth, washed, sat down for breakfast and asked Mama Cat how many days were left until little Teo's birthday. Mama Cat poured them breakfast, smiled and patiently replied that it was still one week before Teo's birthday. Kittens sighed, complained that time was going very slowly and were going to school.
– How so? Why isn't i
t Sunday yet? – Aleksandra
complained to her Mother. She just couldn't wait to put on new shoes and a new dress that Mama Cat bought especially for this holiday.
– Will there be a cake? – Michael the Cat was worried about completely different questions, and the mother Cat nodded affirmatively.
Saturday evening was spent in preparation. Mom the Cat and Dad the Cat signed a postcard for a little nephew Teoman, inflated balloons, prepared gifts for him.
Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten argued among themselves who will carry gifts and will be the first to congratulate the cousin. They decided to carry the main gift together from both sides.
Sunday morning was rainy and gloomy. The Kitten Aleksandra came to her parents' bedroom in tears and complained that bad weather would not allow her to put white shoes and white socks on her paws now.
"Now I'm going to get dirty!" – smearing tears on her face, Aleksandra sobbed.
– Don't cry, dear, Papa Cat will take us to the holiday by car, and in order not to get smeared, we will carefully bypass all the dirty and deep puddles. Aunt Yana has a large porch and a beautiful veranda, we are not afraid of rain or wind, because we will be closed from it. The weather will not spoil Teo's holiday and your outfit. Especially since the rain has almost passed, everything will dry up soon. In the meantime, wake up Michael, brush your teeth, wash your face and come to breakfast, and I'm going to cook breakfast for you.
Kitten Aleksandra wiped away a tear, smiled and ran to do what her Mother Cat told her. Now she was in a great mood and she was looking forward to the holiday.
After breakfast, the family was preparing for the trip. Cat Michael and Kitten Aleksandra put on their prepared things, combed their hair and waited on the sofa for Dad and Mom.
But when they all left the house together, an accident happened. Since the Cat Michael was carrying a gift for the little Teomanchik on the left side, the Kitten Aleksandra was carrying a gift on the right side, they looked only ahead and did not see that after the rain there were a lot of snails and earthworms on the road. Stepping on the worm, the Cat Michael slipped, kept on his feet, but dropped the gift on the floor. The Kitten Aleksandra fell on top of the festively packed box, crushing the red bow.
– What's going on with you? Mother Cat asked, she was closing the door of the house with a key and holding balloons, numerous bags and flowers for Aunt Cat Yana.
– We dropped a gift and crumpled the bow! – sobbed the Kitten Aleksandra getting up from the gift box.
– It's okay, now we'll go to the gift shop and pack the Teomanchik toy car and the Lego again. I put these boxes in one big one, so the gifts are not in danger of a blow! – Papa Cat picked up the gift, put it in the trunk of the car and sat the Kittens in the children's chairs.
The birthday party was fabulous! Baby Teo was delighted with the big white toy car and fiddled with it all the holiday, happily agooing and smiling. The cats played with the Lego constructor, rightly judging that they would show the baby Cat Teo how correctly build different objects from the Lego constructor. Aunt Cat Yana and Uncle Cat Ziya have prepared a wonderful holiday for baby Teo. They ordered a cake in the shape of a cat, which held a number one, invited a photographer, their friends and relatives. All evening the guests laughed, listened to music and ate very tasty food. And when the evening came, Aunt Yana the Cat put a big golden candle on the cake for the birthday boy and lit it. In the living room, the lights were turned off and the colorful lights that decorated the walls were turned on. All the guests, as well as the Cat Michael and the Kitten Aleksandra, sang in chorus:
"Happy birthday, dear Teo!"
Then Aunt Cat Yana and Uncle Cat Ziya took the little Cat Teo on their hands, went to the cake and all together blew out the candle!
The guests clapped and laughed, congratulated the baby with his first birthday and wished him happiness and good health!
Baby Teo was sitting on the arms of his Father and Mother, looking at the guests with beady eyes and smiling. He liked the lights, liked the guests, their laughter and fun.
– Do you think Teomanchik likes the holiday? – The Kitten Aleksandra chewed the cake and drank orange juice.
– I think so! – Michael the Cat reached for the third piece of cake, but when he saw the surprised eyes of his Mother, he put only a grape on the fork.
– "Why don't I remember it, I mean my first year birthday?" asked Aleksandra.
– Because the first year is celebrated very magnificently, but the saddest thing is that we have seen it only in photos. Well, I saw my year in the photos. Aunt Yana also gave me a chic mat for jumping. Although I don't remember Aunt Yana, or the cake, or the present. But I remember your first year, Aleksandra. Aunt Yana and Uncle Ziya gave you a toy house and brought you a pink cake. I ate most of it myself.
"I don't remember that," Kitten Aleksandra sobbed.
– But you will remember the first year of Teoman, this is a cool holiday, and he, in turn, will remember the first year of his younger brother or sister – Michael the Cat philosophized and helped himself to take a third piece of cake while Mama Cat did not see.
– Fair enough, – the Kitten Aleksandra calmed down and agreed.
The guests thanked the hosts for the warm welcome and went home. Mama Cat helped Aunt Cat Yana to clear the table and wash the dishes. Dad and uncle were discussing a new model of an electric car in the living room, Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten were playing Lego on the floor and only the little hero of the occasion was peacefully snoring in his cradle. He dreamed of lawns with balloons, toy cars and toy horses, the sun shone brightly and gently, and snow-white clouds floated on the blue sky. Teo was smiling, tightly clenching his fist, just in a dream he caught a colorful paper butterfly!
The author's artistic work was used to prepare the cover of the publication.