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Читать: Steal Like artist Communist - Oleg Kleonov на бесплатной онлайн библиотеке Э-Лит

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you knew your book would be stolen first, didn't you?

However, if other artists only painted the world,

then our job is to change it

Oleg Kleonov

Steal like



Sovietiy (Tips) for soviet artists

Made By «Left Corporation»

Under the editorship of Goud Robin

Military Base (J) – 121488





Verdansk, 2020

Oleg Kleonov

Young Russian Communist artist and writer. The author of many articles on VNB (UTS – A universe of true stories) and memes about bears who make vodka in the Gulag.

Gives lectures on creativity at Pixel, Gulag, and RED-ED events.

Oleg became famous for a post about the development of proletarian creativity on the Internet, which brought millions of proletarians around the world to his blog. This post has been translated into many languages, including English, German, French, Japanese, and Chinese.

Nature for the artist

All artists are asked the question:

– Where do you get your ideas?

The revolutionary artist responds like this:

– I steal them from the rich and give them to the poor

How does an artist view the world?

He decides whether to steal this thing, whether it is a landscape outside the window or an element of another artist's painting, whether it is an excerpt from a book or an event from a dream.

That's it. I don't need more than that.

Looking at the world in this way, the socialist artist removes bourgeois morality. He doesn't think what's good and what's bad. There is only that which is worthy to be shown to the working people in their drawings, or, on the contrary, is unworthy because of the commonplace, obvious or false.

Today, artists can use everything. But not everyone can be useful to him. And if, in the opinion of the Communist party, something is not worth taking today, then tomorrow, in a month or a year it may be quite suitable.

Is there nothing original?

Bourgeois writers, such as Jonathan Lethem, say that if people call something "original", then in nine cases out of ten they simply did not calculate the source of borrowing This is partly true, because people tend to learn and learn about the world. And you – dear artist, actress, writer and other "heads of the nation" are probably not the first in their work.

After all, every person once fell in love, because so much has been written about love. There have been so many wars that there are already thousands of books about them, if not millions. There were also billions of beautiful sunsets and sunrises on earth, and people saw them as soon as they appeared. And as soon as we got to the level where we could draw pictures, we started drawing them. That's why there are hundreds of thousands of sunset pictures.

Every bourgeois artist understands that if you write about something radically new, it may not sell. Therefore, in the creative industry, artists rely on what was created earlier. Almost always they don't have anything original.

These enemies of the working people are right. However, they assume that if you do something new-the result of production will be difficult to sell. We proceed from the benefits for the working people. If we do something new, it may not be of high quality or even harmful, and this is unacceptable.

Moreover, the classics of scientific communism claim that there is nothing in the world that comes from nowhere and goes nowhere. They note that even the appearance of radically new things has prerequisites. Thus, by finding out these prerequisites, we can improve the quality of new things. Thus bringing world communism closer.

Capitalists refer to the Bible:

«…there is nothing new under the sun»

(Ecclesiastes 1:9).

As we can see, the bourgeois capitalists are once again slipping into naked idealism, they represent the world as if it cannot be changed, and it is a given. That is, the norm is the order of things in which all the world's factories and plants, small and large enterprises, cafes and nuclear power plants belong to a group of people who have not managed production themselves for a long time, because all management belongs to managers, Directors, foremen and engineers. At the same time, these same capitalists do nothing but try to preserve this order of things and compete with each other in wealth. Thus, they only cause crises and wars for the world. And if they are replaced with elected workers ' councils headed by the Supreme Soviet, the economy will not collapse.

Socialist art shows all the working people of the planet that the world can be changed. Many aspiring artists may go into Trotskyism from lack of understanding, believing that the world can be changed from today to tomorrow. This is not the case and building communism we need to learn from capitalism.

After all, capitalism is the past. Barbaric and ugly, dirty and bloody. But it is also a time of struggle, of the formation of socialism as the first stage of communism.

Some may find this idea insufficiently revolutionary, but it gives me hope. After all, by learning from the lessons of the past, we can move more confidently into the future.

The religious obscurantist and Trotskyist Andre Gide observed, " everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one heard it, you can say anything again."

This is another type of Trotskyism. He makes the workers and peasants of the whole world look like stupid sheep that walk on the leash of smart people. Such as Stalin, Roosevelt, Hitler, and Churchill. But it's not just about political personalities that he's talking about. And also about art. For him, people are material, living wallets that can eat even shit if it is advertised.

Undoubtedly, this is partly true under capitalism. However, if other artists only painted the world, then it is up to us to change it

Forgetting the disease of childish leftism, you stop trying to create something out of nothing and start learning even from the enemy. As the great Lenin said

«The capitalists themselves will sell us the rope on which we will hang them».

It's the same with art. They will teach us how to draw with a brush that we will stick in their eyes, they will teach us how to sing revolutionary songs, make proletarian movies.

Bourgeois genealogy of ideas

Capitalists reduce everything to allusions to genetics. You have a mother and a father. And you carry their traits, but the sum – that is, you yourself-is greater than the totality of these traits. You are a Remix of your mom, your dad and all your ancestors.

You have your own family tree – your ideas also have one. They don't choose their parents, but they choose their teachers, their friends, the music they listen to, the books they read, and the movies they watch.

This is partly true, but the analogy to genetics is a false analogy. The world of art can really be seen as the ongoing development of some ideas to other ideas. And externally, if you draw it as a table, it really looks like a family tree. So let's draw it.

Idea tree

It turns out pretty good, but let's remember that this is due to allusions to the family tree, so we wanted to do the best, but we got this:

The tree of debauchery and sodomy

Goblin (Dmitry Yuryevich) said: "Kids, don't eat stupid shit." It's the same here. Learn from the bourgeoisie, but don't repeat its mistakes.

Choose your teachers

«Education is a way of development for Russia and for the whole world»

– Roman Barkov, the Russian military, General, the villain.

An artist is a person who shows life and conveys morality through works. His task is to be a good collector of interesting things from life. Artists only take what is truly valuable.

Friedrich Engels wrote that despite the fact that Hegel is cheap and a liar, but he was his teacher. At that time in history, Hegel was one of the best, if not the best, philosophers in the world. And it was he who developed dialectics to the point where it could argue with metaphysics on equal terms in a scientific form. The fact that Hegel was cheap and a liar was due to the fact that he was forced to submit to the Church and show his faith in God. This meant that his dialectic was idealistic. With a belief in miracles like God or freedom. Marx and his friends simply put Hegel's dialectic on a materialistic track.

Thus, based on the science that their enemy wrote, they developed it and turned it upside down. Born dialectical materialism quickly moved from the description of physical and evolutionary processes in the social Sciences, in the struggle of selling and buying labor. This is how communism appeared.

Your job is to find good ideas. It doesn't matter if you find them in nature, history, or other creators. And then-to show them with talent in art or even develop them, thereby becoming an example of imitation by a new teacher for future generations.

Study the idea tree

Joseph Stalin said: "Lenin is my teacher, I am only his faithful disciple." And this is correct. The bloody veteran studied the works of Lenin in the pre-revolutionary years, he read and distributed Marxist atheist Newspapers in the Church school where he studied, and then among the workers of Baku. Reading various articles, it was clear to him that the great Lenin was the most truthful and accurate of all socialists

Studying his articles, even starting to write his own, Stalin started a correspondence with Lenin. Then there was the world imperialist war, revolution, capitalist revolt, civil war, and intervention. Stalin commanded the defense of the city of Tsaritsyn and personally took part in the battles.

Stalin was friends with Lenin, considered him an outstanding political figure, economic theorist and the greatest leader of the peoples, under whose leadership the new Soviet Russia fought the whole world and emerged victorious in this war.

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